00 21/03/2006 18:39
conoscete questo gruppo italiano che fa canzoni ispirate al mondo di Tolkien?

ecco l'inizio di una delle canzoni ;)


Fire and water, darkness and rain,
he's made the most precius jewels of the reign.
Knowledge in mins, steel in his arm,
son of the king first elven_sheed_blood.
In Aman the fair, Valar betrayed, broughr pain
and despair, denied the old faith. His brother he dared,
but pardon he shared 'for sun and the moon rose up in the air.

We sing the song of the ancient lost days,
when star of the sky shone bright in his eyes,
when Feanor left the land where hi did dwell,
the Dark Lord deceived him and then broke the spell.
