00 01/09/2006 09:41
Assoluta confusione
L'attacco di opportunità si fa solamente in "aree minacciate" e il regolamento parla di aree minacciate SOLAMENTE IN MISCHIA.

Attacks Of Opportunity
Sometimes a combatant in a melee lets her guard down. In this case, combatants near her can take advantage of her lapse in defense to attack her for free. These free attacks are called attacks of opportunity.

Threatened Squares
You threaten all squares into which you can make a melee attack, even when it is not your action. Generally, that means everything in all squares adjacent to your space (including diagonally). An enemy that takes certain actions while in a threatened square provokes an attack of opportunity from you. If you’re unarmed, you don’t normally threaten any squares and thus can’t make attacks of opportunity.

Come vedete si possono fare attacchi di opportunità solo in quadretti minacciati e sono minacciati solo i quadretti in cui si possono effettuare attacchi IN MISCHIA. Non puoi "minacciare" quadretti lontani (tranne casi eccezionali che devono essere esplicitati nelle regole) e quindi non puoi fare AdO in quei quadretti